Business Associations
Fall 2024
Prof. Amitai Aviram
Main course page
Schedule: The course schedule is tentative and may change as we progress through the course. Assignments from YouTube and SSRN are hyperlinked to the link from which you can download them. Assignments with page numbers are from the course materials packet. Assignments that are in square brackets are optional.
Date |
# |
Section |
Type |
Topic |
Pre-class assignment |
8/28 |
1 |
1a |
L |
Intro to the Business
Associations course |
[Firms: An
Economic Perspective] [Case 1: Foreshadowing, pp.
8-12] |
8/29 |
2 |
1b1a |
L |
Firms (1/4): Types of firms |
--- |
9/4 |
3 |
1b1b |
L |
Firms (2/4): Creating a
firm |
--- |
9/5 |
4 |
1b2 |
A |
Firms (3/4): Constitutional
documents |
9/11 |
5 |
1b3 |
L |
Firms (4/4): Control in the
firm |
--- |
9/12 |
6 |
1c1 |
A |
(1/4): Types |
9/18 |
7 |
1c2-3 |
A |
Actors (2/4): Formal actions/Duty to A |
9/19 |
8 |
1c4a |
A |
(3/4): Asserting control - authorization |
9/25 |
9 |
1c4b |
A |
Actors (4/4): Asserting
control – ratification |
9/26 |
10 |
2a1 |
L |
Contracts (1/3): Liability
framework |
--- |
10/2 |
11 |
2a2-3 |
A |
Contracts (2/3): Apparent
authority/estoppel | |
10/3 |
12 |
2a4 |
A |
Contracts (3/3): Virtual
apparent authority |
10/9 |
13 |
2b1a |
(1/3): Respondeat superior (Employee) |
10/10 |
14 |
2b1b |
A |
Torts (2/3): Respondeat superior (Scope of employment) |
10/16 |
15 |
2b2 |
A |
Torts (3/3): Negligence/Actual/apparent authority |
10/17 |
16 |
- |
A |
Review: Corporate
compliance |
Case 2: McDonald’s (p. 274) Case 3: Overkill (pp.
275-277) |
10/23 |
17 |
2c1 |
R |
Reaching better defendants
(1/2): Veil piercing |
10/24 |
18 |
2c2 |
A |
Defendants (2/2): Aiding
& abetting FD breach |, |
10/30 |
19 |
- |
L |
Corporate governance:
Policy & politics |
--- |
10/31 |
20 |
3a1 |
L |
FD analysis (1/5) - Duty
& standard of review |
11/6 |
21 |
3a2 |
A |
FD analysis (2/5) -
Application: Flaws |
11/7 |
22 |
3a3a |
A |
FD analysis (3/5) -
Application: Agency SoR |; |
11/13 |
23 |
3a3b |
A |
FD analysis (4/5) -
Application: BJR |
11/14 |
24 |
3a3c |
A |
FD analysis (5/5): Entire fairness / Enhanced scrutiny |
11/20 |
25 |
3a3d |
A |
Review: Fiduciary duty
analysis |
Case 6: Snap Decision (pp.
361-363) |
11/21 |
26 |
Class Cancelled |
12/4 |
27 |
- |
R |
Exam preparation |
Practice exam #1 |
12/5 |
28 |
- |
R |
Final course review |
Practice exam #2 |
Past exams: Click here for my past exams (including model answers to these exams).
Syllabus: Click here for the course syllabus.
Course outline: This is an outline of the entire corporate law sequence, which combines several courses. Our Business Associations course consists of chapters 1 through 3 of this sequence.
Business Associations
1. Acting through others
a. Introduction to the BA course
b. Firms
1.Types of firms
2.Constitutional documents
3.Control in the firm
c. Actors
1.Types of actors
2.Formal actions
3.Beneficiary’s duties to an actor
4.Asserting control over an actor (authorization & ratification)
2. Corporate compliance (the shielding problem)
a. Liability for actor’s contracts
1.Liability framework
2.Apparent authority
4.Virtual apparent authority
b. Liability for actor’s torts
1. Respondeat superior
2. Negligence/actual authority/apparent authority
c. Reaching better defendants
1. Veil piercing
2. Aiding & abetting FD breach
3. Corporate governance (the agent problem)
a. Fiduciary duty (litigation solutions)
1. Private paternalism
2. FD analysis: Duty & Standard of review
3. FD analysis: Application
b. Customizing the firm
1.Mandatory vs. default rules
2.Customizing via constitutional documents
3.Customizing via shareholder agreements
c. Exit solutions
4. Shareholder activism (Chapter 1 of the M&A course)
5. Dealmaking & dealbreaking (Chapter 2 of the M&A course)
6. Financing firms (Chapter 3 of the M&A course)
Seminar: The Evolution of Corporate Law & Finance
7. History of Business Organization Law
1. Course overview
Administrative details of the course
Writing a research paper
Economic and legal history methodologies
2. Pre-capitalist economic systems
Overview of our theoretical framework
The guild: pre-capitalist manufacturing
The manor: pre-capitalist agriculture
3. Commercial capitalism
The commercial revolution
The joint stock company
4. Industrial capitalism
Demand for incorporation
Public purpose
General incorporation statutes
Antitrust: a missed opportunity for corporate law?
1. Regulation of financial transactions
Early views on lending & money
Regulation of lending by the Catholic Church
Regulation of lending in the common law & 20th century U.S.
2. History of the corporate entity
Demand for limited liability
Early forms of limited liability
Pre-modern attitudes towards limited liability
Could limited liability have developed without corporations?
The evolution of limited liability in corporations
Asset partitioning and the development of business entity law
3. History of corporate governance
Evolution of the board of directors
Intervention solutions to the agency problem: ultra vires & the BJR
Voice solutions to the agency problem: shareholder voting
Exit solutions to the agency problem: dissolution & dissociation
1. Regulatory competition
Race to the bottom?
Race to the top?
Competition with federal law
2. The business cycle
The business cycle & development of corporate law
The bubble law problem
Case study: the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Law as a tool to manipulate the public’s risk perceptions
3. Political economy of the primacy debate [omitted]
4. Legal origins [omitted]
5. The future of business entities
A brief history of business entities
End of the public corporation?
End of private equity?
Resurgence of large-scale unincorporated business entities?
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